New way
to play MU ONLINE
We have worked for years to offer Multi Server Locations, doesn't matter where you are, you get the lowest ping ever, see more details.

Multi-server Locations EXCLUSIVE!

Well distributed servers around the world.
Change servers with one click.

With a joint Siege Server in Frankfurt DE.

Monthly Seasons EXCLUSIVE!

New limits, new items, & features for future seasons, more rewards!

All items divided into Tiers 1-3

Non-Reset & Valuable HOT!

NO MAX Stats.
So use points Responsibly!
200 Level limit per Season.
5/7 Points per Level, all classes.
Dynamic Experience with every Rebirth.

Artificial Inteligence PvP HOT!

Respecting every class and preserving their distinctive strengths and weaknesses.

All Build based!

Server is now LIVE!

Welcome all to our Unique MuOnline Gameplay Server!

Hope you will enjoy it and please make sure you Start our game With our Launcher to make sure you get our latest update and dont miss out on some of our new features.

Once again welcome to our network!

Currently this is only one server.